miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011


Hi girls, this is the example of the chart we are doing in class.  Please, read it and try to do your chart for Friday.  The letters in RED are the initials for the chart: KWLH chart.
See you in class.

Sample K-W-L-H


What We Know

Dinosaurs are large.
Dinosaurs are dead.
They lived a long time ago.
There is a movie about dinosaurs

What We Want to Find Out
How long ago did they live?
Why did they die?
How do we know what they looked like?
Who are the people who study dinosaurs?

What We Learned 
An archeologist has an exciting life.
Dinosaurs eat plants and some eat meat.
Some dinosaurs were gigantic, but had small brains.
Fossils uncover dinosaur traits. 

How Can We Learn More 
Field Trips
Archeological digs
Internet computer search

Bye, Alejandra.